2009-10 Season for Premier Football League of Iraq

The 2009-10 season was the Premier Football League's 2nd, and 18 teams competed in the league that year.

The league is also known as Premier Football League.

2009-10 Premier Football League Standings
2009-10 Premier Football League League Leaders

Al Hindiya (8-13-12) - Roster | Statistics
Al Kahraba (12-7-14) - Roster | Statistics
Al Masafi (11-9-13) - Roster | Statistics
Al Mosul (9-13-11) - Roster | Statistics
Al Quwa Al Jawiya (22-4-7) - Roster | Statistics
Al Ramadi (8-11-14) - Roster | Statistics
Al Shirqat (5-15-14) - Roster | Statistics
Al Zawra’a (19-8-6) - Roster | Statistics
Baghdad FC (13-8-12) - Roster | Statistics
Diyala FC (10-16-7) - Roster | Statistics
Duhok SC (19-7-7) - Roster | Statistics
Erbil SC (25-3-5) - Roster | Statistics
Kirkuk FC (8-17-8) - Roster | Statistics
Masafi Al Junoob (3-21-10) - Roster | Statistics
Peris FC (8-5-4) - Roster | Statistics
Salahaddin FC (4-16-13) - Roster | Statistics
Samarra SC (5-14-14) - Roster | Statistics
Zakho FC (11-13-9) - Roster | Statistics


Marker indicates city location, not venue address.


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