No known name

Location: Norwich, CT
Used by: Norwich Jackroses, Norwich Witches, Norwich Champs, Norwich Reds, Worcester Reds/Norwich Indians, Norwich Bonbons/Meriden Doublins

Following are the minor league baseball teams known to have played at this ballpark:

1910Norwich Bonbons/Meriden DoublinsConnecticut Association1925RosterStats
1907Norwich RedsConnecticut State League7151RosterStats
1906Norwich RedsConnecticut State League7253RosterStats
1905Norwich RedsConnecticut State League4274RosterStats
1904Worcester Reds/Norwich IndiansConnecticut State League5362RosterStats
1903Norwich RedsConnecticut State League5450RosterStats
1902Norwich RedsConnecticut State League515832,184591RosterStats
1901Norwich ChampsConnecticut State League6346RosterStats
1900Norwich WitchesConnecticut State League6433RosterStats
1899Norwich JackrosesConnecticut State League4157RosterStats

Attendance listed indicates the total home attendance for the team even if it played in multiple home ballparks or additional cities in the same year.

Average attendance is based on half the team's total games being played at home.

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