Sports in Sherman, Texas
Sherman Teams
Sherman, Texas and surrounding communities have hosted the following minor league teams:
Baseball- Big State League, Sooner State League, Texas Association - Sherman-Denison Twins (1923 - 1953)
- East Texas League - Sherman Twins (1946)
- Lone Star League - Sherman Snappers (1929)
- Texas-Oklahoma League - Sherman Red Sox (1922)
- Texas-Oklahoma League, Western Association - Sherman Lions (1913 - 1921)
- Western Association - Sherman Browns (1917)
- Western Association - Sherman Hitters (1915)
- Texas-Oklahoma League - Sherman Cubs (1912)
- Texas League - Sherman-Denison Students/Texarkana Casket Makers (1902)
- Southwestern League - Sherman-Dallas (1898)
- Texas Association - Sherman-Denison/Waco Tigers (1897)
- Texas Association - Sherman Students/Paris Texas Midlands/Tigers (1896)
- Southern League, Texas-Southern League - Sherman Orphans (1895)
- USL League 1 - Texoma FC (2025)