1978-79 Pacific Hockey League
The 1978-79 season was the Pacific Hockey League's 2nd, and 6 teams competed in the league that year.
1978-79 Pacific Hockey League Standings
1978-79 Pacific Hockey League League Leaders
Los Angeles Blades (7-14-1) - Roster | Statistics
Phoenix Roadrunners (37-20-3) - Roster | Statistics
San Diego Hawks (34-22-2) - Roster | Statistics
San Francisco Shamrocks (4-18-1) - Roster | Statistics
Spokane Flyers (32-22-1) - Roster | Statistics
Tucson Rustlers (20-38) - Roster | Statistics
Los Angeles Blades |
Phoenix Roadrunners |
San Diego Hawks |
San Francisco Shamrocks |
Spokane Flyers |
Tucson Rustlers |
Marker indicates city location, not venue address.