1954-55 American Hockey League
The 1954-55 season was the American Hockey League's 19th, and 6 teams competed in the league that year. The Pittsburgh Hornets won the 1954-55 AHL championship.
1954-55 American Hockey League Standings
1954-55 American Hockey League League Leaders
Buffalo Bisons (31-28-5) - Roster | Statistics
Cleveland Barons (32-29-3) - Roster | Statistics
Hershey Bears (29-28-7) - Roster | Statistics
Pittsburgh Hornets (31-25-8) - Roster | Statistics
Providence Reds (21-37-6) - Roster | Statistics
Springfield Indians (32-29-3) - Roster | Statistics
Buffalo Bisons |
Cleveland Barons |
Hershey Bears |
Pittsburgh Hornets |
Providence Reds |
Springfield Indians |
Marker indicates city location, not venue address.