1965 San Luis Potosi Rojos Statistics

Mexican Center League (MCL) - Class: A
Team Record: 88-51
Finished 1st in the MCL
Manager: Héctor Rodríguez (88-51)
Location: San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Mexico
Ballpark: Estadio 20 de Noviembre
Attendance: 76,651, Avg. 1,103
1965 San Luis Potosi Rojos Roster

The San Luis Potosi Rojos of the Mexican Center League ended the 1965 season with a record of 88 wins and 51 losses, finishing first in the MCL.

Héctor Rodríguez served as manager.

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Average attendance is based upon the number of actual home dates where known (most leagues from 1992 and later). Where the number of home dates is not known, the average is calculated using half the team's total games.

Persons data from the Chadwick Baseball Bureau are Copyright Chadwick Baseball Bureau, and are made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License.