2012 Boston Red Sox Organizational Leaders

2012 Boston Red Sox Minor League Teams, Rosters and Statistics

Hits Leaders

Keury De La CruzGreenville Drive, Salem Red SoxA15337820
Xander BogaertsPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA14637320
Jackie BradleySalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA1464249
Garin CecchiniGreenville DriveA1393844
Bryce BrentzPawtucket Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsAA, AAA13730117
Michael AlmanzarSalem Red SoxA13636012
Travis ShawSalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA13344319
J. C. LinaresPortland Sea Dogs, Pawtucket Red SoxAA, AAA13028216
Shannon WilkersonPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA1282454
Jeremy HazelbakerPortland Sea Dogs, Pawtucket Red SoxAA, AAA12724619

Batting Average Leaders

Jeremias PinedaRed SoxR.42156133
J. C. LinaresPortland Sea Dogs, Pawtucket Red SoxAA, AAA.316130412
Jackie BradleySalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA.315146463
Daniel NavaPawtucket Red SoxAAA.3133199
Mauro GómezPawtucket Red SoxAAA.310120387
Xander BogaertsPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA.307146476
Keury De La CruzGreenville Drive, Salem Red SoxA.307153499
Garin CecchiniGreenville DriveA.305139455
Pedro CiriacoPawtucket Red SoxAAA.30183276
Michael AlmanzarSalem Red SoxA.300136454
Ryan LavarnwayPawtucket Red SoxAAA.29594319

Home Run Leaders

Mauro GómezPawtucket Red SoxAAA24
Xander BogaertsSalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA20
Keury De La CruzSalem Red Sox, Greenville DriveA20
Jeremy HazelbakerPortland Sea DogsAA19
Travis ShawPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA19
Bryce BrentzPortland Sea DogsAA17
J. C. LinaresPawtucket Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsAA, AAA16
Reynaldo RodriguezPortland Sea DogsAA16
Brandon JacobsSalem Red SoxA13
Michael AlmanzarSalem Red SoxA12

Doubles Leaders

Travis ShawSalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA44
Jackie BradleySalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA42
Garin CecchiniGreenville DriveA38
Xander BogaertsPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA37
Keury De La CruzGreenville Drive, Salem Red SoxA37
Michael AlmanzarSalem Red SoxA36
Mauro GómezPawtucket Red SoxAAA34
Sean CoyleSalem Red SoxA31
Bryce BrentzPortland Sea DogsAA30
Brandon JacobsSalem Red SoxA30
Reynaldo RodriguezPawtucket Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsAA, AAA30

Triples Leaders

RBI Leaders

Keury De La CruzSalem Red Sox, Greenville DriveA87
Travis ShawSalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA85
Xander BogaertsPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA81
Bryce BrentzPortland Sea DogsAA76
Mauro GómezPawtucket Red SoxAAA74
David RenfroeSalem Red Sox, Greenville DriveA69
Jeremy HazelbakerPortland Sea Dogs, Pawtucket Red SoxAA, AAA67
Jackie BradleySalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA63
Sean CoyleSalem Red SoxA63
Henry RamosGreenville DriveA63

Wins Leaders

Henry OwensGreenville DriveA125
Billy BucknerPawtucket Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsAA, AAA129
Keith CouchSalem Red SoxA119
Brandon WorkmanPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA108
Brandon DuckworthPawtucket Red SoxAAA92
Justin GermanoPawtucket Red SoxAAA94
William CuevasLowell SpinnersA82
Jeremy KehrtPortland Sea DogsAA83
Miguel PenaGreenville DriveA87
Yeiper CastilloGreenville Drive, Salem Red SoxA88

ERA Leaders

Keith CouchSalem Red SoxA3.47119
Brandon WorkmanPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA3.52108
Yeiper CastilloGreenville Drive, Salem Red SoxA3.6188
Billy BucknerPortland Sea Dogs, Pawtucket Red SoxAA, AAA3.66129
Jeremy KehrtSalem Red Sox, Pawtucket Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA, AAA4.3184

Minimum 0.8 innings pitched per league game to qualify for ERA leaders

Shutout Leaders

Strikeout Leaders

Matt BarnesSalem Red Sox, Greenville DriveA133
Henry OwensGreenville DriveA130
Brandon WorkmanPortland Sea Dogs, Salem Red SoxA, AA130
Yeiper CastilloGreenville Drive, Salem Red SoxA119
Drake BrittonSalem Red Sox, Portland Sea DogsA, AA118
Billy BucknerPortland Sea Dogs, Pawtucket Red SoxAA, AAA110
Keith CouchSalem Red SoxA109
Jason GarcíaGreenville DriveA95
Miguel PenaGreenville Drive, Red SoxA, R95
Miguel CelestinoSalem Red SoxA93
Brandon DuckworthPawtucket Red SoxAAA93

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